Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Longer short stories!

      While reading the longer fiction packets, I realized that they were harder to understand.  I could not comprehend the stories very well.  I felt that the first story in the packet was a lot of babbling about observing someone.  The subtitles helped me with understanding everything.  The second story was better.  I understood more of it because of the breaks in paragraphs.
       I felt that the secpond story had a lot more imagry then the first one.  The first little paragraph which says, " I occupy this comfortable chair in your office and you stare at me.  We are not speaking to one another, so you've called this uncomfortable time silence."  I feel that everyone has been in a situation where they have been in an awkward silence.  It is very uncomfortable and when I read this, I felt that uncomfortable sense.  I pictured two people sitting in an office not speaking to each other.    The next sentence after the first paragraph was also relatable.  "A cat wanders around your legs."  That is something that has happened to me and anyone who has a cat that has probably happened to.  I feel that the story is very seperate but also comes together very well.

        Overall, I enjoyed the shorter stories and I understood them better.  I feel that the shorter stories are easier to finish in content because the longer stories seem to just go on and on with no meaning.  I also feel taht the characters in the first story are not characters that would stick in your head, whereas the short story about red coats, I can remember the character even though he or she is not emphasized. 

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