Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Essay Packet 2 #2

     When reading "Crumbling Expectations," I thought that the essay was very interesting.  I enjoyed of course the reference to Michigan because it is a beautiful state. I also liked the relationship between him and his father and him and his grandmother.  I was interested because it seemed to me that he valued what the both of them said. I also thought that he talked a lot about how his dads father passed away and how his fathers grandfather passed away.  I thought that him talking about the relationships between his father and his father and grandfather made a reference to the relationship between him and his father. 
     I enjoyed this essay because there was so much to get out of this.  I liked the end where he says, "I didn't realize a book is itself an embrace.  I quote back to my father now words he has written  but never wrote."  I thought that was interesting and another way to point back to him and his fathers relationship because he is telling us that even though his father is gone, he embraces his words that the son has written and used in the story.  I really enjoy the closeness and I can feel the emotion in the essay.
    I really like this and I feel like it has helped me decide on what to write about in my essay.  I feel a lot more confident in the essay and it is exciting that I know what I am going to write about.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Essay Packet 2

     When I read "The Fine Art of Sighing", I felt the emotions in the story and I really enjoyed the use of sounds and symbols.  I could see the imaging in this story and it almost felt like a movie.  I felt that even though it was short, it left an impact on the reader and it did on me.
      I liked how when the child said he would "tiptoe across the linoleum and make my lunch without making a sound."  I found myself looking at that sentence and just picturing the child.  When everyone is sleeping at my house and I am doing something I will tiptoe and try to not wake anyone up.  I also liked the emotion of the parents sighs and how the mothers' sighs were filled with sadness but the fathers' sighs were filled with simplicity and the child would do both because he is so used to the different sighs.   I have a tendency to shake my leg and sometimes i dont realize that I am doing that and his friend had to tell him and he finally picks up on it. 
      I enjoyed the complexity and simplicity of the story.  It was easy to read as well as emotional.  I feel like some of the stories get not only better but more emotional and in depth.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Essay Packet 1

         There is one story in the Essay Packet 1 that I enjoyed.  I really like "Sunday."  There were a lot of different things that I can talk about in this story. I thought it was funny yet a little bit of it is true.  The different sense of humor that is in this story made me laugh and it reminded me of the movie "The Help."  The maids in that movie would always cook and they were fabulous at it.
         I found it funny that the first line in the essay was "why people couldn't cook."  This made me laugh because the title did not really explain what the story was going to be about but the first line explained it all.  I also liked how they had to have the fat in the recipe because that would make it even better. I have family down south and we always put fatback in our green beans or other things like greens to make it better.  I also liked how they said how white people want to eat food with flavor  but when they cook it has not flavor.
         I definitley could relate to this story and reading this story just wants me to watch the help while eating fried chicken.  I think is the best one that was assigned yet.  The essay packet I felt was a little boring so I enjoyed this story very much.