There is one story in the Essay Packet 1 that I enjoyed. I really like "Sunday." There were a lot of different things that I can talk about in this story. I thought it was funny yet a little bit of it is true. The different sense of humor that is in this story made me laugh and it reminded me of the movie "The Help." The maids in that movie would always cook and they were fabulous at it.
I found it funny that the first line in the essay was "why people couldn't cook." This made me laugh because the title did not really explain what the story was going to be about but the first line explained it all. I also liked how they had to have the fat in the recipe because that would make it even better. I have family down south and we always put fatback in our green beans or other things like greens to make it better. I also liked how they said how white people want to eat food with flavor but when they cook it has not flavor.
I definitley could relate to this story and reading this story just wants me to watch the help while eating fried chicken. I think is the best one that was assigned yet. The essay packet I felt was a little boring so I enjoyed this story very much.
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